Caris. My name echoed softly through the salt-laden air. It sang in my blood, diving core deep. My mother. Her. The Deep. They called....

So this happened...
My husband died. Time froze. Writing stopped. During one sleepless night, I picked up Waterborn and started reading. I cringed a few...

Family Recipe
Now that's it's cold down here in the Deep South, I've been getting weekly requests from my adult children for my chili recipe. Call it...

I don't usually do ARC's. (Advance Reader Copies) But for anyone who's interested in getting an early copy of Kiss Me Again, I'm...

Whew! KMA Finished.
I was worried there for a while, but I finally finished Kiss Me Again. Two months late. About 30,000 more words than I planned, but now...

Music and Mayhem
There's nothing like going to see your kids at college for the weekend and taking them to a concert. (well, one kid and her boyfriend)...

On the Horizon!
June is the month I will write a complete book. Okay, maybe a novella. This idea has been percolating in my brain for a year, and I'm...

Sand and Sky
Sol would probably rather drink a Bloody Mary while reading a book, but I'm pretty sure he's never read one before. Anyway, his story is...

And Done!
40 chapters. 75,300 words. Sand and Sky, Book 5 in The Emerald Series, is finished. Got this cool new cover. I can't wait to share this...